హరే రామ హరే రామ - రామ రామ హరే హరే - హరే కృష్ణ హరే కృష్ణ - కృష్ణ కృష్ణ హరే హరే


Mushikavaahana modaka hastha,
Chaamara karna vilambitha sutra,
Vaamana rupa maheshwara putra,
Vighna vinaayaka paada namasthe

Birth of Lord Ganesha - The first incident is the birth of Lord Ganesh and how he got his elephant head. When Parvati was idly playing around with some mud one day, she noticed that she had unwittingly created the form of a boy. When she noticed this and expressed surprise at the beauty of the form, she breathed life into it and thus Lord Ganesha was created. This occured in the days when Shiva used to go away on long periods of meditation/tapas. The boy thus grew with time. It then so happened that one day Parvati asked Lord Ganesh to stay outside and guard the house while she bathed. She was specific that nobody should be let inside. The little boy understood the instructions and took it seriously. Thus when Shiva happened to come by and saw a young boy guarding the door, he was surprised. He tried to go in but Lord Ganesha bared him from entering. Shiva questioned him, but the boy simply sayed that his mom has forbid anybody from entering the house. Shiva at first reasoned with him, and then got angry and cut of Lord Ganesh's head with his Trishul (trident). Parvati obviously on hearing this commotion and learning what has happened is disconsolate. She demanded that Shiva restore Ganesha's life at once. But unfortunately, Shiva's Trishul was so powerful that it had hurled Ganesha's head very far off. All attempts to find the head were in vain. As a last resort, Shiva approached Brahma who suggested that he replace Lord Ganesha's head with the first animal that comes his way. Shiva sent his ganas to accordingly get the head of the first thing that they saw. The ganas spotted a baby elephant whose head got transplanted onto Lord Ganesh. That is the reason Mud Ganeshas are made to this day in the villages of India for worship during Lord Ganesh Chaturti and then dissolved in flowing water or well water. ( No other God is worshipped thus ). That is also the reason shape is also given to Lord Ganesha using the auspicious turmeric instead of mud, for "first pooja" before the start of any major pooja.

Lord Ganesha's reverence for his parents - Once there was a competition between Ganesha and his brother Karttikeya as to who could circumambulate the three worlds faster. Karttikeya went off on a journey to cover the three worlds while Ganesha simply circumambulated his parents. When asked why he did so, he answered that, to him his parents meant the three worlds.

Lord Ganesha and Vyasa - When Veda Vyasa was beginning to write the epic Mahabharata, he requested Ganesha to be the scribe. Being playful, Ganesha agreed to be the scribe on one condition - that Vyasa must recite the epic non-stop. Vyasa agreed and thus the great epic of Mahabharata was written by Ganesha.

Lord Ganesh and the moon - Once, Ganesha accidentally tripped and fell, breaking one of his tusks in the process (this is also said to be one of the reasons for Ganesha's half or missing tusk). Chandradev (Moon God) saw this and laughed. Ganesha, being the short-tempered one, cursed Chandradev that anyone who happens to see the moon will incur bad luck. Hearing this, Chandradev realised his folly and asked for forgiveness from Ganesha. Ganesha relented and since a curse cannot be revoked, only softened, Ganesha softened his curse such that anyone who looks at the moon during a Surya-grahan (solar eclipse) would incur bad-luck. Thus was born the notion of not looking at the moon during a solar eclipse in India.

In South India, there is an important festival honoring Lord Ganesha. While it is most popular in the state of Maharashtra, it is performed all over India. It is celebrated for ten days starting from Ganesh Chaturthi. This was introduced by Balgangadhar Tilak as a means of promoting nationalist sentiment when India was ruled by the British. This festival is celebrated and it culminates on the day of Ananta Chaturdashi when the murti of Lord Ganesha is immersed into the most convenient body of water. In Bombay the murti is immersed in the Arabian Sea and in Pune the Mula-Mutha river. In various North and East Indian cities, like Kolkata, they are immersed in the holy Ganga river.
Representations of Shri Ganesh are based on thousands of years of religious symbolism that resulted in the figure of an elephant-head god. In India, the statues are impressions of symbolic significance and thus have never been claimed to be exact replications of a living figure. Lord Ganesh is seen not as a physical entity but a higher spiritual being, and murtis, or statue-representations, act as signifiers of him as an ideal. Thus, to refer to the murtis as idols betrays Western Judeo-Christian understandings of insubstantial object worship, whereas in India, Hindu deities are seen to be accessed through points of symbolic focus known as murtis. For this reason, the immersion of the murtis of Lord Ganesha in nearby holy rivers is undertaken since the murtis are acknowledged to be only temporal understandings of a higher being as opposed to being 'idols,' which have traditionally been seen as objects worshipped for their own sake as divine.
The worship of Ganesha in Japan has been traced back to 806.
Recently, there has been a resurgence of Lord Ganesha worship and an increased interest in the "western world" due to a spate of miracles in september 1995. On september 21, 1995, according to Hinduism Today magazine (www.hinduismtoday.com), as well as the book Ganesha, Remover of Obstacles by Manuela Dunn Mascetti, Ganesh statues in India began spontaneously drinking milk when a spoonful was placed near the mouth of statues honoring the elephant god. The phenomena spread from New Delhi to New York, Canada, Mauritius, Kenya, Australia, Bangladesh, Malaysia, the United Kingdom, Denmark, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Hong Kong, Trinidad, Grenada and Italy among other reported places. This was seen as a miracle by Hindu and non-Hindu alike, and a reminder of the God's playfulness and love of pranks and tricks.

Like other Hindu gods and goddesses, Ganesh has many other titles of respect or symbolic names, and is often worshipped through the chanting of sahasranam (pronounced saa-HUS-ruh-naam), or a thousand names. Each is different and conveys a different meaning, representing a different aspect of the god in question. Needless to say, almost all Hindu gods have one or two accepted versions of their own sahasranaam liturgy.
Lord Ganesha is also known by other names:
Aumkara, the Aum-shaped body
Ganapati, Lord of the Ganas, a race of dwarf beings in the army of Shiva
Vakratunda, Curved Trunk
Ekadanta, One-Tusked
Shupakarna, Large/Auspicious Ears
Gajanana, elephant face
Anangapujita, The Formless, or Bodiless
Lambodara, big bellied
Vinayaka (knowledgeable)
Vignesh, Vigneshwara (Vighna = obstacle, eeshwar=lord)
Vignaharta, remover of obstacles
Pillaiyar ("whose child?", Shiva's question in one story of how Ganesh got his head)

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